Get Over It ProductionsAug 17, 2018AROUND THE BLOCK @ THE ETCETERA THEATRE – BOOK NOW!AROUND THE BLOCK is coming up in just a few short days at the Camden Fringe Festival! In collaboration with our dear friends over at...
Get Over It ProductionsAug 13, 2018THE SCENE 31.7 > 4.8 – THANK YOU!What a few weeks it has been. Though rehearsals were endured through the barrage of irrepressible heat, we are pleased to report that The...
Get Over It ProductionsJun 27, 2018THE SCENE 31.7 > 4.8 : SUMMER FESTIVALThe Scene is back at the Tabard Theatre in Chiswick and this time round – it’s a festival. Proving to be a hugely popular event, we have...